I did get a new catagorization from the OB the other day, 'advanced maternal age'...because I will be 35 when the baby is born. Basically that means I get a couple extra genetic tests and a 3D ultrasound that is covered by our insurance. We've never had a 3D before, so being old is cool!
Our weather has been cold cold COLD lately, and the kids had 2hr delays every day this week.. Most of my days this winter consist of getting the kids off to school, running errands, going to pilates class, doing some church commitments and cleaning my house. And in the afternoon, I usually hang out with my good friends Waffle, Rosie and Netflix.
As much as I love binge watching Netflix shows, I am more than ready for spring. Walking around the neighborhood or getting my hands in some dirt would be awesome. I've already mentally mapped our garden for this summer. Daydreaming about corn.
Today we had a perfect combination of snow accumulation AND a mild temperature around 30. Finally!...snow that can be played in. For hours.
We took a break in the play to go to a Ninja birthday party at a gymnastics studio where the kids flipped and ran for 2 hours straight. I'm thinking they'll sleep well tonight.
I'm not sure why I waited until 34 years old to get a real pair of snow boots, but I did. They are insulated and waterproof and not from Target. It's amazing how warm and dry my feet stay. And at the price they were...I'm assuming my grandchildren will see these boots.
Jeremy's so cammo...can you even see him?