Thursday, September 20, 2012

First Field Trip....and the Very Very Orange Pumpkins

We headed to an apple orchard for Tessa's first kindergarten field trip. Charley headed to the zoo with friends. And everyone at peanut butter for lunch!

(Like that heading? I still think the heading this is kinda dumb. We'll see)

Let me start by sharing a conversation I had with Jeremy. 

Me- Do you think that I have been overusing the 'super vivid' setting on my camera? (refer to the last month of blog posts)
Jer- Yes
Me- But I love it. Look how orange the pumpkins are and how green the grass.
Jer- Yes but look how blue your daughter's skin is and how your hair looks like it's on fire.
Me- But that's sexy right?
That part of the conversation never actually happened. 
Jer- When I'm making my annual slideshow, there's going to by like one month of everybody looking weird and blue with green green grass behind them. 
Me- Like smurfs in Ireland?

We had alot of fun enjoying the super super orange pumpkins at Apple works. 

We rode on a wagon and saw the apple orchards, then got a little lecture from the apple lady about harvesting apples. Mostly it was about how depressing this last year's freaky weather made life at Appleworks. Droughts and warm winters suck for everyone, self included. 

This school amazes me.  There were literally as many parent volunteers as kids. Like a 1:1 ratio. It was fun but also didn't leave room for little brother to come along. He became an honorary kid at my friend's house which is already filled with kids and got to go on a suprise trip to zoo. 

Outdoor fun was had by all! I love fall!!

Except last fall. There were very few things I loved about last fall. Confused about what I mean? Start here.

We were feeding the animals pirate's booty because I didn't have a quarter to buy feed with. Hey, it's baked not fried.

I think we need one of these horse walkin' circles in our backyard for when the small group kids come over every week. Best kid exercise ever.

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