Monday, December 14, 2009

What It's Like to Be a Chaw-lay

If Charley could speak he would say.....

Hi everyone! Do you ever notice how my sister gets alot of attention on this blog? I can do alot of cool things too!
--I can crawl really fast
--I can pull up to standing on anything

--I can always find my boy parts

--I chew on and bang toys, especially Little People

--I can jabber, scream, hiss (when I'm happy),squeal and cry

--I eat all kinds of food, sometimes with my own hands.

--I also eat from my Mommy 5 or 6 times a day

My sister makes me laugh all the time. She is really funny. She tries to feed me alot and often steals my food, but at least she says thank you after she takes it. My dogs are soft and funny. I like to pull on their fur and ears, eventhough Mommy tells me not to.

My Mommy and Daddy are pretty cool. I like to smile at them alot. They know I'm really happy when I hiss at them. My Mommy sometimes gets mad when I bite her while nursing. I only do that when my teeth really hurt. I know not to do that cause she takes the boob away!

I go to bed at 7:30 and wake up around 6am to nurse. Usually I'm still sleepy and go back to bed until my sister comes and wakes me up by yelling in my face.

I like to go places, but I don't really like being put in my carseat. Don't they know I want to drive? Just yesterday I moved out of the pumpkin seat and into a real carseat. I'm a big boy now!

If I really want attention I wear my newsboy cap wherever I go. The ladies love it, especially Grandmas. They stop and tell my Mommy how cute I am, and I just smile at them.

I don't like being left alone, it makes me cry. When I can't see someone in the room I sometimes get scared. But I don't mind being alone in my bedroom, that's my domain!

I wear cloth diapers and can fill them like a champ. Usually I wake up in the morning with a nice big present for Mommy to clean up.

It's pretty cool to me, life is sweet!


TLS said...

Hugs and kisses Charley!!

VideoRenaissance said...

Miss you buddy!

phasejumper said...

Such a sweet little guy! Hope you have the hissing on video!