Thursday, April 05, 2007

37 wk doctor report

I just told my coworker I should knock on wood or something before publicizing this....but nothing seems to be happening in baby land!, so it appears we will not have an Easter baby! (knock knock)

We had another routine appointment. I'm still holding onto that crappy water weight but the doctor seems to think my weight is in a good place. I'm to keep watching the sodium and water intake, and everything else is fine! Baby's heart beat is good and she's still measuring 'average'.

**TMI section**....we have the first small signs of progression at a fingertip dialated and still 50% effaced. He said a 'fingertip' was not quite just an itty bitty bit.

Two of my pregnant friends were at the same doc's this morning to check on their babies. Brook found out she is having a girl- congrats!! We also ran into Ryan and Allison who had a picture of their little bean too, so cool! It's hard to believe Pebbles was ever that small :)

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