Daddy helped Uncle Andy and Papaw rebuild a deck, but I just sat and watched. Daddy said that makes me a Supervisor.
I've been busy growing teeth and trying to put anything and everything in my mouth. The other day I even had a good grip on Hayden's tail and decided to give it a taste....not so good. Mommy says I've been a good girl about not waking up too much at night.
Also I am now wearing 3-6 month clothes. Can you believe I am that big? Alot of my 0-3s still fit me but Mommy had to start a storage thingy for the ones that don't. That makes Mommy sad, not sure why...she's crazy.
On Friday I spent the evening over at Auntie Erin's house and she took good care of me. Mommy and Daddy went on a date to a fancy restaurant and Mommy drank too much wine and was funny. So I had to eat some pumped milk from a bottle- yuck! I hate that stinky plastic thing.
Are you impressed with my grammar skills?
Ciao~ Tessa Vanessa Superbaby
aka Muffin Head, Muffin Cake, Sugar Booger, Lil' Miss or Principessa Poopypant
cute pics, she is getting so big! where was your special date?! i can't wait for one! when was the first time you left her with a "babysitter", we have a ton of people who are so ready! also when you have time shoot me an email about how you introduced the bottle to tessa and how old she was, we are allowing abbey a pacifier on a limitied basis she seems to have no confusion as of right now but i just wondered how you introduced the bottle and how it went! hope you had a good weekend!
awww...i love you guys!
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