Sunday, February 17, 2013


Yesterday when Tessa got her ears pierced she cried for a very short amount of time when it was all done. Less than two minutes. When she found out that we got 20% off anything in the store because of her piercing, her tears dried right up. Mine did too in fact, and I got a new purse.

Tessa chose a couple of big hair bows to put in a ponytail.

It's funny, between the ages of 2-5, Tessa would NOT let me put all her hair back in a ponytail. There would be tears and teeth nashing at the mention of it. Remember when her hair was a super short bob with bangs? That's mostly because she wouldn't let me style it and I didn't want her looking like a ragga-muffin.

Ragga-muffin is a perfectly acceptable midwestern term in case there are those of you who aren't familiar with it. 

So ponytails are new to us but now she asks for them a lot. Probably because the other girls in her class wear them, but she says the main reason is because she can't stand static electricity. Smart girl.

The second reason now is to show off her newly pierced ears.

She was determined to find an outfit to match her new hair bow this morning for church and picked this ensemble all on her own. I told her it looks like she's ready for Easter. As much as I love winter, that's not a totally horrible thought. I've forgotten all about green grass and warm temperatures...but for now, her outfit, ears and cheeriness brighten my day.

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