Sunday, August 04, 2013

Sunflowers are High and Summer is Over

The sunflower seeds that Tessa planted back in early April have grown tall and bloomed out beautifully, a sure sign that summer is almost over.

Of course the summer season isn't over for some time yet, but since we start school on August 7th, I'm going to go ahead and start calling it fall. 

Tessa is ready to start 1st grade and Charley will be going to Pre-K three mornings a week at the same school. It will be awfully convenient to take them to the same building rather than playing chauffeur like last year.

They both met their new teachers and saw their classrooms on Friday night and both seem pretty positive about starting school. We've had a fun summer but after 10 weeks, I think we're starting to get to that point where we're a little bored. Tessa had a playdate last week with two kindergarten friends and I think it reminded her how much she missed seeing them.

And Charley....well, I'm not worried about him adapting at all. He walked right up to his new teacher and said "hi, I Charley and dis is my class'. Yup, he'll be fine.

Last year Charley did gymnastics once a week while Tessa was in Kindergarten, and since her normal dance studio takes a long summer break...I told Tessa she could give it a try this summer too. Needless to say, she's in love. She's done so well that we've decided to let her continue in the fall (after some budget considerations).

That took a little tweaking of our weekly schedule to fit in, mostly because I'm a little anal about having 4 evenings a week completely free from obligations. But we worked it in just fine.

Yesterday we took down the kid's 'summer school' charts and celebrated with a final trip to Ella's frozen yogurt. They did pretty well considering they didn't always want to do it....the promise of frozen yogurt can make kids to crazy things. Like read.

Tomorrow I am taking the kids to the State Fair as one final horrah for the end of summer. We really have had a great couple of months, but summertime is up. Onward to fall!

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