Saturday, March 13, 2010

Daddy's Day Out

Jeremy here: I can't believe that 7 years have gone by so fast, Laura and I are celebrating our 7th anniversary this weekend. We've had our challenges and triumphs like everyone, but I can honestly say I am truly blessed by my wife.

Tonight we'll be celebrating by having a night out alone while Mamaw watches the kids, however, during the day I took the kids while Laura and her Mom went out to do girlie things.

So, what would any red blooded American Dad do? Take his kids to the hardware store of course! We got to see all the cool tools, lawn stuff, new spring flowers, we ran into friends and best of all this morning they had a toddler project class. While Charley played in the cart, Tessa and I built a miniature basketball hoop. Who knew Lowes had this class every Saturday? And, a free addition to the dollhouse!

After Lowes we again did what any father would do....went got Taco Bell for lunch and brought it home.

Note to self: next time take Charley's white shirt off before giving him a taco. Shh don't tell Laura.

Of course a bath followed Taco Bell and then off to snoozers! What a great day alone with the kids!