Thursday, December 08, 2011

One Thousand and Five

I noticed the other day that my blog had hit 1,000 posts so I thought I should honor that.

I started this blog in 2006 when I found out I was pregnant with Tessa. In the days before Facebook, it started as a way to reach far-away family and friends with our pictures, stories and general updates.

Over time I began to play with my writing style and approached it more like a column or article. I mean I do have a college degree in writing and address the public right? So I figured it would be nice to make it sound smart...ish.

But most often I have blogged in order to capture memories, for us and the kids. In times of heavy sleep deprivation or being overwhelmed, I took pictures anyway knowing that the memories would pass by quickly if I didn't get them. I like looking back on old posts of course, but sometimes I just look back to the month or week before to remind myself that the kids were having fun or learning something. When somebody is puking all day or you can't walk, these things tend to brighten your day.

This blog has housed our first baby pictures, birth stories for both Charley and Tessa, remembrance of loved ones lost, gross moments and silly babyhood anecdotes that might have otherwise been lost in the ether of foggy memory.

Recently the blogger dashboard asked me if I wanted to display the top 10 most viewed posts on the left hand side of the main page. See them there? The most viewed post ever was about my friend Shannon who lost her daughter to SIDS last year. That doesn't surprise me because I know that post was passed around quite a bit. But I loved seeing the other popular ones as well, and how many people had visited to read something seemingly when Jeremy tried to kill us with hot pepper powder.

Those stories brought me joy, but by the tally of popular posts I can see that they brought you joy as well.

I can't even BEGIN to say how I have changed over the past five year. Emotionally, spiritually and physically (hello!) but I just kept writing anyway. Like that fish in Nemo tells us to just keep swimming and never stop. I will keep swimming and writing, as long as the current takes me.


Abbie @ lovinourchaos said...

Congratulations Friend! I love YOU and your blog! And you and this blog was the impetus for my blog. Thank you for your inspiration and humor! <3

phasejumper said...

I love your blog! (And that Dorie quote from Nemo is the only thing that gets me through my elliptical workouts...when I do them.)