Saturday, April 09, 2011

Hot Zoo Day

Note to self...when you're in Indiana in the springtime, never trust the weather man. When he says there's a small chance of rain and it should be cool and cloudy all day, prepare for the exact opposite.

If you choose to believe the forecast you will find yourself overdressed and hot at your day long zoo outing, with a raging sunburn the next day.

Luckily the kids were wearing long sleeves, so even though they were hot and sweaty (and in Charley's case a little cranky)...the only lobster here is me. But we had fun nonetheless!


Amanda said...

I always feel like I have to pack a 4 season "costume change" anytime we take Robbie out. Long sleeves, short sleeves, sleeveless, socks, sweatshirt, coat, rain boots, sneakers, etc. etc. etc.

Indiana weather is so weird.

TLS said...

Living in Indiana means dressing in layers!....and look at Tessa go!!