A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a hunk of my molar falling into my chewing gum. I had it checked out and not surprisingly the dentist said it was starting to absess and I was on deck to have my second root canal.
The first one was several years ago and ended up getting infected due to a freaky fourth root that was hiding and was left behind to fester. Crazy but true, and I had to have a scary sounding dental surgery called
apicoectomy while 7 months pregnant with Charley. Fun fun.
Flash forward to yesterday. Different tooth, same Endodontist. After two hours of tugging on my mouth and shaking his head, he declares that he cannot finish the root canal before my numbness wears off. He explained that he was able to finish 3 of the roots, but the 4th one was strangely shaped...bulbous instead of long and straight, with little baby branches coming off of it.
He said he CAN take care of it but that he doesn't know how long it will take. So they scheduled me to go in again tomorrow at the end of their work day and try again. This time he will know what he's in for and can take as long as he needs cause I'm the last appointment.
That's right, I am once again plagued by a freaky fourth root.
Who has these kinda problems? Me of course.
Because of the nerve that's left I'm in a lot of pain today but unable to take the 'good drugs' because Jer's out of town. And wouldn't you know, the law requires you to be conscience during childcare.
When I went in for my exam the regular dentist noted that my tooth quality has greatly declined in the past couple of years. He asked if I had any changes to my medical history...diseases or medication.
I don't have any diseases but I do have two parasites, Tessa and Charley, and the dentist wondered if all the puking and heartburn associated with pregnancy wore away at the enamel on my teeth. So he gave me some prescription tooth paste. Yes, they make such a thing.
So while the kids continue to literally suck the life out of me, I can only pray that my Endodontist is successful tomorrow. Please not another apecoectomy in store. That was not fun the first time.