Monday, February 20, 2012

We're Official

Tessa has is registered for the Kindergarten that we applied for. Yay! (and a little bit of boo for growing up). But mostly yay!

This is a Christian K-12 school private school that's about 5 minutes away from us. We toured in December (along with Dad, our school expert) and Jeremy and I fell in love with this school. It's pretty small and very nice and follows a Christian curriculum.

Tessa had to go in for an 'interview' and be evaluated. She played shy a little bit and said she couldn't remember some of the letters but I know she does. She warmed up to the principal eventually and must have done well. I was busy trying to entertain little brother in the hallway.

I had a little anxiety about applying for private school at first, for fear that my family full of public school teachers might think I was acting out of snobbery. But thankfully that's not the case. They were understanding. The school system in our area is huge and I LOVE the idea of them being in such a small environment, mostly because that's the way I grew up and what I'm familiar with as well. Both of us love that she will be taking bible classes and regularly attending worship, and the full day kinders also get 'specials' like Spanish and music.

That's right, this time next year my little girl will be sitting in a real classroom learning Spanish. Waaah!

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