I'm not going to lie, Christmas kinda kicked my butt this year. I guess that's what happens when you have a toddler and preschooler in the house. Two days later we are still recovering from Christmas and not quite back to ourselves yet. We are all very tired and maybe even a little cranky, and Tessa managed to pick up a cold.
Don't get me wrong, everything about our Christmas was fabulous....family, food, presents, praise and giving. And yet somehow I still feel stressed and glad it's over. Par for the course?
So I was catching up with my idol,
the Pioneer Woman, this morning and was inpired by the way she had bullet pointed her Christmas thoughts. I think I'll do the same cause really, it's all a blur.
-- Not celebrating Santa was a sucess and the kids were still very much in awe of the 'magic' of Christmas. Their presents were under the tree and in stocking by the 22nd, which was nice because Mom and Dad got to chill a bit. Tessa came the conclusion that Santa was basically a wiseman, and some people like to wear Santa costumes.
-- Our house is a disaster zone. From toys, piled up laundry and dishes and vacationing a little too hard. Enter at your own risk.
-- Unlike a lot of girls her age Tessa is not so girly. While she does love her new baby and dress up clothes, her favorite things are exactly what she had asked for...binoculars, a flashlight and legos.
-- The new metal pots and pans that I got for the kids play kitchen was the best money ever spent. A full set including little metal ladels and spoons, only $10.50!
-- Apparently it is no long neccessary for me to slave over a hot stove on Christmas morning to make our annual biscuits and gravy, because it can be made several days before and reheated in the crockpot. Who knew? Seriously good advice.
-- Jeremy is getting better and better at buying me presents. I think at some point he started really paying attention. He got me a wallet and together we got the Rockband piano keyboard. And green glasses made from recycled wine bottles....really anything from
Uncommon Goods is up my alley.
--Charley loves his sister's Vtech writing thingy as well as his new toy cell phone. Basically anything with buttons.
-- Mom got Tessa the Beauty and the Beast DVD and after watching it with her, I'm almost positive that I have never seen this movie before....eventhough it was released when I was 11. I didn't really like it when the servingware turned back into people, cause they were so dang cute.
And on that note...a few pictures from our Christmas Day.