Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We've Got Spirit!

This week is spirit week at Tessa's school. You know, when kids dress up crazy for no reason other than to show spirit and have fun at school?

Yesterday was mustache day and we fashioned a pretty nice paper one on a stick once Tessa refused to have one drawn on her face.

Today is whacky day and we got pretty good and whacky this morning....

If you're wondering how I did Tessa's hair, it's exactly what it looks like. She slept half in curlers and half out (using my awesome hair rolling method). The results were pretty awesome, especially from the front view.

Hot pink tutu ensemble courtesy of last year's dance recital, with complimentary polka dotted shirt and leggings, and a fairy wand.
At first Tessa put on her pink cowgirl boots to finish the look. SUCH a good whacky instinct, but alas she had to wear plain old tennis shoes because it's P.E. day at school. Ah, well.

I can't wait to hear about all of the other whackiness that happened today at school, and what some of her friends were wearing.

Tomorrow is superhero day. Aw shoot, we've got that covered.

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