Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Visit From Some Old Friends

Last week some old friends came by for a visit, and it was really nice. Isn't it funny how there are some old friendships that you literally just pick up where you left off and everyone is mostly the same? It's kinda like that.

These two guys are Jeremy's old college roomates and their wives.

In the middle is Ryan and his wife Kim, who have the most romantic wedding story I know of. Traveling across the world for true love and all that, and getting married in Africa. They now live in CA and were in Berkeley at the time we lived in San Jose, which meant we hung out a lot which was awesome. It's great to have friends nearby when you move to a totally strange place!

On the right is Patrick and Jennifer. They brought along their kids who aren't in the picture, probably because they were having such a good time playing and watching movies with our kids. Jennifer bonded with Hayden and Rosie and may have tried to sneak one home in her Thirty One bag. Honestly I might not have stopped her.

I shouldn't talk like that. I'm making a much better effort at getting along with Hayden.

I was trying to dig for an old picture of this gang together and didn't have much success except for this...our wedding day! Almost (gulp) TEN YEARS ago!There's Ryan and Patrick, standing in the same order.

This kind of reunion should really happen more often, because it was a lot of fun. A great kickoff to Christmas week.

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