Sunday, December 16, 2012

Our Slightly-Less-Impressive Gingerbread Mansion

Last year, Jess was here for Christmas and her and Jeremy led us in the construction of an extremely detailed and large gingerbread mansion. Not with graham crackers, but real sheets of gingerbread. And a blueprint. It was crazy. And really cool.

I told Jeremy I was up for it this year and long as it was a little less involved, being that his culinary genius sister isn't here to help us. Even better than graham crackers, he came home with a couple of kits.

I know,'s horrible. We used kits. How tragic. 

The icing from the kit was like cement. I think I have carpal tunnel now. 

Yes that's my owl shirt. Cool right? Right?

Half the candy got used and half got consumed. 

We made a house and a train. 

Our house is guarded by reindeer candy cane gargoyles. 

And those green things are old green rock candy leftover from Charley's superman birthday party last year (it was kriptonite!). Jeremy tried to anchor them in marhmellows but they keep falling over.

Our gingerbread scene reminds me of the (awesome) movie Elf...."I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."

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